The Purpose of Immanuel Lutheran Church, as a people called by God, is to present Christ to the world in everything we do; to proclaim in Word and deed what God has done for our salvation in Christ Jesus; and to invite others into a relationship with Him by the Power of His Holy Spirit.
The VISION of Immanuel Lutheran is to reach out, assist, equip adults and families in their faith life in any way we can while doing this in Christian love. Sharing Christ's love in word and deed.

Sunday School
10:05am -11:05am
Christian Education for Preschool - 8th Grade
Bible Study
10:15 am - 11:05am
in the Social Hall
Wednesday Night
Confirmation for 7th-8th Grades
Schedule varies by season. Check the full calendar for details and additional study times.
You can find us off of Highway 71
in Spirit Lake, right next to
Lakes Regional Hospital.
2300 27th St., Spirit Lake, IA